St. Anne's Church

Holy Communion (Book of Common Prayer)

10.00 a.m. every Wednesday

All are welcome, find us here


St Anne's is the Church for reflection and peace

Where life starts to slow, our burdens released

Come here for confession or come for a rest

Consider what's been and then pray for what's next

This hidden retreat, you'll be greatly surprised

With the radiant beauty and history inside

A time to discover this small, holy space

A chance to receive of God's riches and grace


A beautiful and historic church, possibly the oldest building in Buxton. Its ornate interior is a wonderful testimony to its Anglo-Catholic traditional past.

Its origins are uncertain – there is a date of 1625 carved on the church porch, but parts of the building are older. It is believed to have been a tithe barn or farmhouse prior to this. John Wesley is said to have preached in the church when on a visit to Buxton. When the parish church of St John the Baptist was built in Buxton in 1811, St Anne’s was converted to a school, then later a Sunday School, a mortuary chapel, and then closed. In 1885 the church was restored for divine service and re-dedicated to St Anne.

An article in the Buxton Advertiser writes about our celebration of 120 years of the wonderful Triptych behind the altar.

The little graveyard is noteworthy for the grave of John Kane, an eighteenth century actor of some note.

The link below will take you to our 'Give a Little' page, where it is easy to make a donation to this beautiful church.

To make a donation towards the upkeep and work of St Anne's Church Click Here


You can also visit St. Anne's and hear about its long history on the local Tram Tour:




Upcoming Events

Sunday 30th March
9:30am - 10:45am -
9:30am - 10:30am -
10:30am - 11:40am -
11:00am - 12:00pm -
Wednesday 2nd April
10:00am - 10:45am -
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