Churchyard Working Party

Churchyard Working Party 

2nd Tuesday in the month 10am till 2pm.

Coffee & chat at 11.30 a.m. 

The churchyard covers an area of three and a half acres and has been in use since 1861, it is now the only open churchyard in Buxton.

There are many interesting memorials including Celtic crosses, angels and a stone anchor, there are also eight war graves. There is a churchyard trail detailing twelve memorials of particular interest. This is available in the church.

We have a churchyard plan and the original records giving the location of burials. We have a data base now making it easier to answer enquiries although the reality on the ground makes it difficult to locate every grave accurately.

The churchyard is kept mowed and maintained by volunteers. We meet on the second Tuesday in the month from 10am to 4pm, depending on the weather. In addition some volunteers work weekly in the summer and we employ someone to strim the areas that cannot be mown. We are very grateful to all the work done by the volunteers and it means access is easier for people visiting graves.

We have started to put up bird boxes and bug hotels. There is an orchard at the bottom left corner planted by Transition Buxton which is maturing well and has apples, damsons, pears etc. Some graves are planted up with flowers which are attractive to bees and other insects and we leave a couple of wild areas which are never mown.

We welcome new volunteers for whatever time they can give, just weeding one grave makes a difference. Bring gloves and small hand tools. We always have a coffee break and chat, refreshments are provided




Upcoming Events

Sunday 16th March
9:30am - 10:30am -
9:30am - 10:15am -
10:30am - 11:30am -
11:00am - 12:00pm -
Wednesday 19th March
10:00am - 10:45am -
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