What is Baptism?

It’s a bit of a strange thing to do – taking a little child to church, and pouring water over them.

Why do we do it?  What is the point of baptism?

  • It is joining a new family.  When your child was born they became part of their own family. 
    Now, through baptism, they can become part of the family of the church.
  • It is sharing in new life.  We give thanks for the birth of your child – for their new life. 
    Baptism is the way that she or he can share also in the new life God gives us through Jesus, who died for us and rose again. 
    Originally this meant going under water and coming up again – now we act this out less dramatically!
  • It is the beginning of a journey of faith. Your child will be able to go on growing in their faith and in their understanding of God’s love for the rest of their life.


What happens next?

As we’ve said, your child’s baptism is the beginning of their journey of faith.  In the baptism service you and the godparents promise to help them on that journey. 
One way is to pray for them. Here is a prayer you could use…

Loving Father, thank you for …………….
Help us to care for them well, to show them your love and teach them your ways. 
Please be with them all of their life, and surround them with your love. 


You can also say a simple prayer together at the end of the day, including a ‘thank-you’ time and a ‘please help’ time. It’s lovely to sing a song at bedtime too - like ‘He’s got the whole world in his hands’. Later on, children enjoy bible story books. And talk with your child about God - you don’t have to know all the answers.

Revd Liz England

01298 77856

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