Come and worship with us

Open the door, step inside and know you are meant to be here. Any fear you have of ‘churches’ can be left outside, as we hope you will find that this church is different.

We aim for our churches to be warm and friendly places, with lots of music, activities, things to hear and see, for children and adults, and not just on Sunday mornings. We have six churches, in Buxton, with their own unique styles. Look at our Worship Times and Styles to figure out which church most appeals to you. You can call us on 01298 212 667 and speak to Reverend Liz or 01298 77856 to speak to Jennie in the parish office.Rekindling Parish Community - The Catholic News


What will happen when I step inside?

You will be met by one of our friendly ‘Welcomers’; they will give you a copy of the service, so you can follow what’s happening and join in with any response if you wish to do so.  They will also give you a sheet which tells you about everything else happening in the coming week and some prayers to say at home during the week.


Where should I sit?

You can sit anywhere, there is no reserved seating.


I have particular access needs – can I attend?

Yes please! We have hearing loops in St. John’s, Burbage and St. Mary’s. We have a ramp at St John’s. Speak to us about access as everyone is unique and we want to make sure you feel as comfortable as possible.


What does it cost?

Nothing!  It is totally free to go to church. (We do have a collection, but there is no obligation to contribute especially on your first visit)


What should I wear?

Whatever you feel comfortable in. Some people like to dress up, whilst some prefer to be casual – there are no set rules.


Can I bring my children?

Yes please!  All of the 6 churches welcome children. We have some services that are specifically aimed at children and parents and some church services are quieter and more reflective.

We take safeguarding very seriously; all our leaders have been trained in safeguarding and have DBS clearance.


Do I have to sing?

Not if you don’t want to. At one church the choir will sing for you. Most of the services include hymns or worship songs, but you may prefer to just listen. At some churches there are actions to join in with for those that enjoy actions.


Can I get a cup of coffee?

Yes, we serve tea and coffee and biscuits after the service – sometimes there is cake! These are free of charge.


How do I know when to stand up and sit down?

The vicar or service leader will ask everybody to sit or stand at certain points in the service, but if you prefer to sit throughout that is fine and some may need to sit throughout.


Do I have to read the Bible?

All of our services have some form of a bible reading; they may be in traditional or modern language. We usually listen to a vicar or a member of the congregation read it out loud to us.  The Bible has an important message for Christians.


What if I don’t believe in God, but I still want to come?

Just come along and see if you feel comfortable being there.  People in a church, are just people on a journey, usually a journey of faith, and we all have to start a journey somewhere.  Usually by taking the first step.


The Church of England says this about worship: -

“Worship [church services] helps us to recognize who God really is, it opens our hearts to what is good. It catches us up into the life of heaven. It is something we are called to every day of our lives and is fulfilled, among other ways, when we say the Lord’s Prayer.”



Upcoming Events

Wednesday 2nd April
10:00am - 10:45am -
Sunday 6th April
9:30am - 10:15am -
9:30am - 10:30am -
10:30am - 11:15am -
11:00am - 12:00pm -
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